Monday, March 23, 2015

Meddlings: Subito Acclerando

Subito Acclerando: To suddenly increase in tempo (speed)

Ok. My mind is kind of a mess right now, so this post is as much for organizing my own thoughts as it is for giving you guys a quick update on where things stand with this project.

So I've got my script all typed out - it's going through practice and revision at all times - but I'm still pretty nervous. Especially after seeing a number of really good presentations just a couple minutes ago. My hope is that I'll be able to keep my head screwed on my shoulders in the right direction for when I present. And I've got other homework to do at the same time as well... sheesh.

Ok, about the blog:
There are not going to be many other posts, and those remaining posts will probably be posted post-TED Talk (Wed 25th). This includes a recording of my "final" product. The reason I'm saving the recording for after the talk is because:
A: I'm a bit pressed for time
but more importantly:
B: Because it's improvisation, and because I'll be performing at the talk, they're going to be two very different pieces of music. I don't want to spoil too much about what kind of music I'll be improving at the talk, and I don't want to create any expectations set by another piece for the talk. I also want to end the project on a good note (hehe) in my last post or two.

So that's where we're at: stress, anticipation, excitement, and a promise to post a "final" song later.

Another shout out to all the people who presented today:
Dani, Jess, Sarah, Hannah, Harry, Sarah, Evan, and Kenny.

Josh C.

1 comment:

  1. You really put in a lot of work to get used to fluidly improvise, and its very impressive. Nice job being on top of things and keeping up with your schedule. And from what I heard, your presentation was a hoot. Congrats.
    P.S. I'm probably going to be listening to this playlist for a while, now.
