Saturday, March 28, 2015

Meddlings: Caesura

Caesura: A pause in a line of music
A.k.a: "Railroad tracks"

Hello everybody! Sorry for the late post!
I know that I did say I was going to post a quick little improv (Fermata) sometime yesterday afternoon. But.. I had some other stuff (like a Jazz Band Competition), and I ended having to re-record the improv today. Although I said it'd be short, I couldn't bear to end the blog with a weak improv (I was also extremely heartened by all of the  comments I've gotten - Thanks so much!) - so I'm preparing something a little bit bigger - hopefully something you'll all enjoy. But At this rate, it does not seem like I'll be able to get the post out (edit, upload, and embed) until later tonight, if at all, and if not, next... Wednesday. At our school, it's currently spring break, so I'm going to be busy a few days and though I have it all recorded, I currently do not have time to edit the video (put the audio and video together w/ text captions) until then. For those of you actually reading this blog, those of you who haven't completely abandoned blogger just because the project is done, I thank you for your patience.

I have gotten my grade for the project, but not the rubric yet - that may have to wait until post spring break (which ends April 6th), the earliest possible day we could get our rubrics back. If there are still people following this blog even then... well... thanks!

Until then,
Josh C.

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